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Work with me

We have so many roles to play in life, and it can feel like we are constantly juggling… and falling short. 


We do our best to be a great partner, mum, employee, friend, daughter… while somehow carving out the time and energy to look good and feel confident about ourselves.  


It’s not surprising that, with so much on our plates, daily life can feel like you are climbing a massive sand dune in slingbacks – while simultaneously preparing a 40-slide presentation, making macaroni cheese and balancing a jug of water on your head. 


I mean, I know women are meant to be master multi-taskers… but let’s take some of the pressure off you shall we?


When you work in partnership with me we turn down all the noise in your head and keep it simple. We start by looking at four fundamental building blocks. These are the foundations of not just who we are, but how we experience life.


When you work on yourself, these foundations get the chance to slot together - progress on each one builds up the others. Your quality of life improves. 

And you get to feelbrilliant










How you feel now

  • Lacking motivation

  • On autopilot at work or at home

  • Not sure you’re making the most of your life

  • Stuck in unhealthy patterns of behaviour

  • Resigned to feeling tired and unhealthy

  • Stuck in your head rather than using your body

  • Lost yourself somewhere along the way

  • Status and pride attached to what you do and not who you are 

  • Sad you’ve lost the younger or pre-children version of yourself

  • No time to breathe

  • Juggling like mad and there’s still not enough time

  • A long time since you lost yourself in a hobby

It’s not enough to live a 50% life. Why should you?


It’s also not enough to live for a mythical day when everything will be ‘sorted’, easier and happier.


It wasn’t enough for me and I know you want more too. You can choose to feel better, feel brilliant.

How you COULD feel

  • Able to get on with things without procrastinating

  • Making the most of your job or finding a new purpose 

  • Confident you're making positive changes

  • Taking care of yourself and feeling great about it

  • Working towards brilliant physical health

  • Knowing how to stop thinking and start doing

  • A strong sense of self and pride in who you are today

  • Giving yourself credit for everything you do and who you are as a person – both in and out of work

  • Having your spark back and being able to see what's fabulous about you right now

  • Time to breathe, built into your day

  • Calmer because you structure your days and make realistic plans

  • Making time to recharge yourself in your unique way

When you work with me you open yourself up to a life full of possibilities.


Imagine shifting the way you feel about yourself and the world – and the difference that would make.


Step by step, we can make progress together.

What are YOU waiting for?
Make things better today. 

Screwdriver Set

Not just a screwdriver set... a whole set of new tools and awareness given to you over three months

feelbrilliant package


A one-off 60-minute session, or group of sessions, where we tackle issues head on

feelbrilliant troubleshooter

Work with me

I am on a mission to help women reset themselves and choose a better quality of life. 

I offer two different kinds of
feelbrilliant coaching...

What would suit
you best right now? 


Want to chat?

Share your situation with me and I can tell you if standalone sessions or a package might suit you best. 

You deserve to feelbrilliant




More from my clients

What's it like working with Jen? 


  • A deep sense that she ‘gets me’

  • Really bloody fun! She's hilarious and makes me laugh out loud

  • She stretches me and challenges me

  • I look forward to our sessions

  • She's warts and all. She's authentic and really cares

  • She knows what is likely to be tough and gives lots of support during these bits

  • She believes in me and I totally believe she has my back

  • Our check-ins between sessions pep me up and keep me on track

  • I feel like I've known her forever – it’s like working with your best mate


I came back for some more sessions recently. In one of these Jen told me I was brave, brave for opening up and revealing part of myself I didn’t realise existed. I didn’t feel brave at the time, it was just the right thing to do. That is how coaching is with Jen; unforced, enlightening, empowering.  Jen never ceases to amaze me with the variety of techniques she uses to help you tackle the issues you are facing.

I could wax lyrical about Jen and the benefits that her coaching has brought to me. But the main question you want answered is can she help you? If you are willing to be open and honest with Jen and yourself, then she will help you find your own answers. Be brave, it’s a great feeling! 


My confidence had been battered by an awful workplace, then redundancy, and then a toxic boss. Jen helped me find the courage to quit my job... and then quickly get out of a new one that turned out to nearly as bad. I then accepted a role at a great company, and I'm still there today. 


She was my biggest cheerleader, and challenged me to really listen to my gut (instead of thinking I was wrong or being 'too sensitive') and believe that I deserved better. I got so much from our sessions and honestly do not know how I would have coped without them. 


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