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What don’t you have time for today?

A printed note saying 'My brain has too many tabs open' surrounded by a mug of coffee, some chocolates and a small pumpkin!
Jen was too tired to work out why there's a pumpkin in this photo

Oh hello there. I’m writing a blog to tell you I don’t have time to write a blog.

Stick with me… it will all make sense.

I started a new communications job last Monday and my fella has been away since Friday morning. Now I was already swaying by Thursday (tiredness not booze) before I did a full day’s coaching and then romped into a solo parenting weekend (single parents – I take my hat and everything else off to you – you are amazing).

I have had so much to do and juggle, and my head is full to bursting. I am chasing my tail. It’s a happy tail, it’s wagging away, but the rest of me is flagging.

For example, I’m scribbling this in the ten minutes I have before collecting my little girls from Rainbows. I only dropped them off three-quarters of an hour ago and I’ve inhaled my dinner and run around the house like a loon, sorting out washing and tidying up. I tell you what, if mumming was an olympic sport I would be in bronze medal position right now.

But there’s just not enough time or brain or energy to get everything done today.

So something has to give.

I had a plan for my blog this week, you know; ‘Three things I’ve learnt about imposter syndrome’. But that can wait. Right now I am going to let myself off the hook.

For, as I said to one of my clients last week, coaching is not just about spurring people on. It’s also helping them to tune into what they need. It’s strengthening their resolve to treat themselves well and do what feels right. Follow their gut. And if that’s stopping to breathe and not doing something on their ‘To Do’ list, then that’s the ticket.

That doesn’t mean they’re not still driving towards their goals. It doesn’t mean they’re not challenging themselves or on track to use their full potential.

They are just in balance. They know when to push and when to back the flip off and put their bulging actions list away for a bit. Life ebbs and flows and so do we. To get the best from ourselves we need to know when to take something off our shoulders.

Speaking of which, I have two small people to pick up. And when Daddy is home, and the kids are in bed, I’m going to plonk myself in a bath AND BREATHE.

What do you need to give yourself permission NOT to do today?



Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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