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What do you need to hear today? Part one.

Jen is sitting at a wooden desk with a client facing her - their back to us in the photograph. Her coaching room has a wallpaper mural of autumn trees.
Me, in my coaching room, concentrating very hard on listening before I respond!

I checked in with a client on WhatsApp the other day (we do that between sessions) and she told me she was having a complete nightmare.

My knee-jerk response was to sympathise… and then I stopped myself.

Did she need sympathy? What did she actually need from me? I thought I would ask.

So I’m asking you the same question now. What do you need to hear today?

Would it help for someone to ask you how you are? Or are you just happy in your own bubble, getting your head down and cracking on?

Would reassuring words hit the spot or a rousing pep talk give you a boost?

Think about it. Sometimes we’re so quick to assume and swoop in that we miss a brilliant opportunity to really connect with other people… and with ourselves.

For, as much as it’s lovely when someone cares, we don’t always need them to trot in on a white horse. (And often not practical, think of the clean-up duty). We can, and sometimes have to, look after ourselves.

Today I’m on my own in the house. Feeling content. All I’ve needed so far is a nice hot bowl of tomato soup and to bounce some work ideas around with my boss.

Tomorrow I might feel less secure and need a reminder that I am bloody marvellous and can do the scary thing I’m putting off. At the weekend I may need to be firm and tell myself to whack me lycra on and get to my weights class, because it will help me feel alive (rather than as tired as a tired thing that’s very tired. See last week’s blog for more info).

What do you need to hear today? What will help you make the most of your Wednesday?

Coming up next week: What do you need to hear today - part two. How to ask and stop expecting your loved ones to be psychic.

If you like my musings, and would like to read more, feel free to scroll on down my blog page and subscribe.


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Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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