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Sick of setting scary resolutions? Just do one thing in January instead.

A pad with a checklist that reads: to do, wake up, make coffee, drink coffee, make more coffee
I recommend you are slightly more ambitious than this...

Hey, guess what? I’m not going to ask you to reflect, set goals or generally go anywhere near resolutions. If that’s your bag there are LOADS of other posts knocking about that’ll help you put that chocolate bar down, scope out a masterplan for the next six months and mainly take over the world.

In a daring dash away from the norm, I have a proposal for you that will move you forward in a gentle but effective way. (No, not that sort of proposal. You are very attractive, but I am already married). I am going to suggest you only pick one thing to tackle in January.

One thing Jen? How on earth will that make a difference? Have faith my friend and read on.

As my regular readers will know, I’m not a big fan of making mega plans that put too much pressure on you or look too far into the future. I invite my clients to look at today. What’s working, what’s not. What’s in the front of their heads and what’s been lurking at the back for ages.

And on that note, what’s the one thing you would like to start doing in January? Yes, we are talking traditional January habit change stuff – but without a terrifying all or nothing mentality. I’m not asking you to give anything up. I’m asking you to ADD something positive to your daily routine.

Have you got something in mind? Excellent stuff. Next step is to follow this checklist.

1) How will this one thing shift your day-to-day quality of life for the better?

2) What will happen if you don’t do it?

3) How are you going to make sure you keep doing it?

Make the consequences as vivid as you can and your action plan as practical and thorough as you can. (Opps, I know I said I wasn’t going to make you plan. Promise this will be worth it).

For example. In January, am going to make sure I am in bed, with my light out, at 10pm. This will:

1) Chip away at my sleep deficit, which will result in me being more able to function better, feel brighter, calmer and more able – and a lot happier and healthier by the end of the month.

2) I will continue to lurch around with twitchy eyes and a knackered brain and feel like I am not doing a great job of mumming or my best at work (yeah, I’m a coach but I’m still pretty hard on myself… working on it). I will keep watching TV or scrolling on my phone until silly o’clock in an attempt to get some headspace but not feeling any better for it.

3) I am going to set an alarm on my phone telling me to put it down at 8.30pm and that I have an hour to go until I head upstairs to clean my face, get comfy and read. I am going to tell my husband that this is the plan for January and that he has permission to boot me out of the lounge (but hey, I know that ultimately it’s up to me). I’m also going to choose a treat that I will reward myself with at the end of the month when I have successfully clocked up millions of hours of lovely, snuggly sleep.

For the record, I have been exhausted for nearly seven years now (but kids, if you are reading this, I do love you buckets). So shifting this behaviour will be no mean feat.

But this is something that really affects my quality of life, so it’s time to put the work in and change the way I go about my day (or more specifically my bedtime). I just need to put my big girl pants on, look at what I will be gaining instead of what I think I’m missing out on and FOCUS.

What will really make a difference in your life? What can you concentrate on for four short weeks that will help you feel all satisfied with yourself and put a pep in your step?



Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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