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Give your self-belief a boost

A yellow hot air balloon being filled with gas
Go on... blow up your own balloon!

“But how do I get the confidence to do it on my own?”

My client looked perplexed. She said that when we were together she felt she could breeze through a big project - but in-between our sessions she would freeze.

How could she feel more confident when I wasn’t there to give her a pep talk? Was the answer for her to ‘fake it until you make it’?

Certainly not. I’m not a big fan of that phrase. It implies that there is something missing. That you are lacking what you need to be a success.

I believe the opposite.

I believe that you have everything you need inside you already. So, instead of plastering on a fake smile or some kind of veneer that just isn’t you, remember who you are.

Remember that you have a big gorgeous brain.

Remember that you have your own unique way of doing and being.

Remember all your years of experience and brilliant skills.

Remember all the wonderful quirks and qualities that make you YOU.

There’s no-one else like you in the whole wide world.

And you can do this. Even if you are scared. Actually especially if you are scared.

Dive on in and do it anyway. The sooner you start, the sooner you will find your groove.

Don’t spend any more energy on worrying and putting it off.

Just remember who you are.

And kick it’s ar*e.

(And if you are feeling pressured and need to lighten your mood, you can always say: “Remember who you are” to yourself in a deep, booming Mufasa voice à la Lion King. Works for me).



Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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