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Do you feed your inner child packets of biscuits?

Little girl happily eating a big slice of watermelon
My inner child is much happier when she's scoffing melon

I have a question for you: would you treat your child the way you treat yourself?

I asked myself this on Friday - and sadly the answer was no.

It was after midnight, my third late night in a row, and I had chomped my way through a packet of chocolate digestives whilst binge-watching ‘The Traitors US’ on iPlayer.

Now, to hardened party people out there this hardly sounds like a craaazy night, or even that damaging… but this all depends on your perspective.

From mine, I’d read an article on connecting with your inner child earlier that day and, as I sat there with a twitchy eye and churning stomach, I suddenly felt very sad.

The thought of making my five-year-old daughter repeatedly stay up late when she’s tired and filling her full of crap food that makes her poorly (I’m intolerant to sugar) makes me want to cry. I’d never do that.

Instead I’m always trying to find ways to wrestle vegetables into her and popping her into bed on time so she can be healthy, rested and happy. I’m also her biggest cheerleader and help her find courage when she needs it.

So I did a little experiment the morning after ‘Chocolate Traitorgate’. I was worn out, wobbly and grotty and didn’t want to go to my gym class. I just wanted to put the TV back on, eat more sh*te and hide from the world.

But I didn’t.

Anyone near my house may have thought there was an odd motivational workshop going on inside. But no, it was just me booming: “Come on sweetheart. That’s right, just put your trainers on. Well done! You can do this! Look, you’re doing it! I’m so proud of you!”

It did feel a bit strange - but you know what, it got me out of the house! Ten minutes later I was throwing weights around and getting some valuable dolphins (my name for endorphins) into my system.

So, for anyone reading this who thinks inner child work has to be a bit wanky - it doesn’t always need to take the form of deep introspection. It can just be you, reminding yourself that you deserve care, encouragement and attention. And then following this through with practical action.

It also doesn’t just have to be ‘getting on with stuff’ either. What about your hobbies? My note to self is to start doing artwork again… because little Jen was always drawing and it will make big Jen happy too.

What can you do to look after you (and little you) today?



Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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