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Are you living in the grey zone?

Grey statue of a woman
Things really were standing still for Danielle

Oh great. It’s another Monday. Sigh. Drag yourself out of bed. Go to the loo. Have a shower. Find some clothes. Go downstairs. Throw some coffee down your neck and plod on with your day.

I feel deflated just writing like this – let alone living it.

But this is what it’s like when we feel flat. Someone’s turned off your oomph and you don’t seem to care as much as you used to about things.

You feel like you are trapped on the set of Groundhog Day. The world is monotone, monotonous and monochrome.

So, what do you think I am going to suggest? Skydiving? A drastic makeover? A new look at your career or relationship? Nope. None of the above. The first thing I’m going to suggest you do is sort out your building blocks.

Building blocks in feelbrilliant coaching land are what your life are built on: purpose, identity, headspace and health.

The health block has nothing to do with the latest fitness crazes and self-help ‘miracles’. It can vary from person to person (and we tailor your action plan when you work with me) but there are two things that we ALL KNOW will help but aren’t actually doing when we’ve slid into the grey zone.

Time for a nice list:

1) SLEEP. Yep that old chestnut. Are you getting enough? I suspect not. When you have a sleep debt everything is harder to deal with – and seems worse than it actually is. We forget this though and blame everything else. Whatever your circumstances, set yourself a bedtime at a decent hour, turn off the TV, leave your phone downstairs and get to bed. (Go early if it’s likely your kids will wake you in the night). No arguments, no stalling, you are not 12.

2) FOOD. Now, would you feed your dog a big bowl of caffeine, stodge and sugary slop and expect it to still be wagging its tail at the end of the day? No. So why do it to yourself? If you’re eating a load of cack, start with a chunky, healthy breakfast and make some better, more nourishing choices during the rest of the day. We’re not veering anywhere near weight loss here. Oh no. We’re talking good fuel because food = mood.

3) READ THIS LIST AGAIN without rolling your eyes, switching your brain off and going ‘La la laaaaaaa Jen, whatever’.

It’s not sexy. It’s not rocket science. It’s not new. But instead of thrashing around trying to find answers and change EVERYTHING when you feel pants, why don’t you slow down and focus solely on these two things for a week?

It is absolutely necessary to get proper rest and fodder in you before you start chopping your life around. It helps you to see clearer before you start. That old proverb about the house built on sand… yep good foundations, or in our case building blocks, are what you need right now.

We all have day-to-day lives, mundane things that need to be done, noses that need to be wiped (although I do keep telling my husband it’s time he did his own). We’re often so busy looking after everyone else that we don’t look after our own basics. Or we’ve just lost the motivation to take care of ourselves while running on the work/home treadmill.

But when life is grey and you feel like nothing matters as much – it’s time to find something that does. And that would be you. YOU matter. Look after your health building block and then you can start playing with some fun life change stuff.

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Hi, I'm Jen

I love to coach... and I also love to write.


You see, I'm a bit like Wonder Woman; I have two jobs. Communications Consultant by day and erm... Coach by day too. It just depends which day it is. 

Feel free to skip around my LinkedIn profile to look at both my careers.

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