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feelbrilliant package

If you’ve had enough of feeling frustrated, and you truly want to shift the way you approach daily life… then this is the package for you.


Three months to give it everything you’ve got – and get my unwavering support in return.​

  • A holistic look at your life

  • Face-to-face or online coaching

  • Detailed questionnaire before we start

  • Six sessions, spread over three months

  • First session for 75 minutes

  • Then a 60-minute session every two weeks

  • Personal progress and action plan

  • Scheduled WhatsApp check-ins twice a week 

  • Ad hoc bursts of support on WhatsApp when you need it​


Three payments of £195

Are you wondering if you can afford it? 

I get it. But in terms of quality of life, can you 'afford' not to?

If you want things to change and you invest in yourself now – just imagine how much progress you could have made, and how much better you could feel in three months' time


Want to chat?

Share your situation with me in a free no-strings chat and I can tell you if I feel a package of sessions or ninety minutes of troubleshooting might suit you best. 

You deserve to feelbrilliant




Far from doling out general advice, Jen has the knack of making me see what needs to be done: and how. Her sessions are motivating and practical, but emotional too.


Many of the 'blockers' I was coming up against needed to be changed from within. I can now shift what I can change, and use her tools to deal with things I have little power over.


Her insightful and flexible way of working means sessions are varied and always fun, giving you what you need at that moment.


Jen is a gem. I’d wholeheartedly recommend working with her.


For a long time I felt like I needed to make a change but I could never figure out what or how... That's where Jen came in.


Working with her is really uplifting and rewarding.


Jen's coaching space felt like a calm oasis free from distraction, where we could talk about the important stuff.


She managed to get ideas and thoughts from me that I didn't even know existed. I still use the tools she gave me daily to keep on track and feeling like myself. 



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